(en) silhouette
(es) silueta, siluetear
(en) silhouette
/ˌsıləˈwɛt/ noun , pl -ettes
1 a : a dark shape in front of a light background
[ count ] the silhouettes of buildings against the sky
[ noncount ] The buildings appeared in silhouette against the sky.
1 b : a picture of something showing it as a dark shape on a light background; especially : such a picture showing a person's face from the side
[ count ] My piano teacher has a framed silhouette of Mozart on her wall.
[ noncount ] a portrait of my mother done in silhouette
2 [ count ] : the shape or outline of something
He admired the sports car's sleek silhouette.
(es) silueta, siluetear
tr. Dibujar, recorrer, etc., algo siguiendo su silueta. U. t. c. prnl.
sinónimo: esbozar, contornar, contornear
(Del fr. silhouette).
1. f. Dibujo sacado siguiendo los contornos de la sombra de un objeto.
2. Forma que presenta a la vista la masa de un objeto más oscuro que el fondo sobre el cual se proyecta.
3. perfil (ǁ contorno de una figura).