/æbˈskɑːnd/ verb , -sconds, -scond·ed, -scond·ing [ no obj ]
1 : to go away or escape from a place secretly
The suspect absconded to Canada.
Several prisoners absconded from the jail.
2 : to go away and take something that does not belong to you
— + with
a banker who absconded with all the money
ab·scond·er noun , pl -ers [ count ]
1. (De asconder) tr. encubrir (ǁ ocultar). U. t. c. prnl.
2. Retirar a alguien o algo a lugar o sitio secreto. U. t. c. prnl.
3. Incluir y contener en sí algo que no es manifiesto a todos. U. t. c. prnl.